Czarina Lynell
Czarina Lynell, a San Francisco native, developed a love for writing since the eighth grade. Czarina loves communicating – with honesty. She literally wears her heart on her sleeve. When not writing, Czarina can be found enjoying music, singing along to her favorite song, or dancing. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources Management from The University of Phoenix, Czarina worked as an HR Professional for over 14 years, providing employee development coaching, developing HR policies and procedures, facilitating HR training, and assisting all levels of management with managing the performance of their employees.
Czarina Lynell is a Breast Cancer Survivor and Thriver, a Newly Published Author, a Virtual Peace Influencer, a Mental Health Advocate, and a Lover of Peace and Serenity. She is a wife and a mother of three amazing children. Czarina Lynell is extremely passionate about people and loves helping others. She especially enjoys turning smirks to smiles and has been very intentional about giving hope, sharing love, and creating peace, since her diagnosis. Czarina believes she survived on purpose for a purpose – to share her story.
Are you someone who seems like they have it all together, but you really don’t? Are you someone who has life figured out, but have faced some struggles along the way? Are you someone who needs order in your life right at this very moment because you are so overwhelmed? Czarina Lynell want you to know that you are not alone. In her debut self-help memoir, Czarina Lynell shares her story of overcoming Breast Cancer, as she journeys to find Peace and Czarinaty (Serenity). She fearlessly describes her struggles with the S.A.A.D. (Stress, Anger, Anxiety, and Depression) Woman Syndrome and makes a personal connection through the correlation of childhood experiences. Czarina Lynell hopes to encourage, inspire, and motivate others who are silently suffering the same struggles, to speak up and protect their peace.
Czarina Lynell endeavors to encourage a generation to embrace, create, and maintain peace.

If you would like to order a copy of Author Czarina Lynell's book, visit her website at
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